The Miracle Club (12A)
Set in 1967, The Miracle Club is a heartwarming comedy-drama following the story of three generations of close friends, Lily (Maggie Smith), Eileen (Kathy Bates), and Dolly (Agnes O’Casey) of Ballygar, outside Dublin, who win their dream – a pilgrimage to the sacred French town of Lourdes. But when they are joined by Chrissie, recently returned from a decades-long exile in the USA, deep wounds from the past are re-opened and bitter truths exposed. As they confront one another and embrace their past, they realise that the miracle they have all been seeking is right in front of them: in the strength of their friendships and togetherness.
Ireland / UK 2023 120 mins Dir: Thaddeus O’Sullivan
Tuesday 6th February
Cinema located on first floor – regrettably no disabled access.
Licensed bar, hot drinks available from 7 pm.
Advance tickets available in the cafe and online. If there are no more tickets available online, you can ring the cafe (01538 386112) to see if/how many offline tickets are left.
Tickets: £7.00
Doors: 7:00pm
Film starts: 7:45pm