The Bag that went BOO!

STOP PRESS       BOGOF – Buy One Get one Free

A generous Leek resident has just given us funds to allow us to offer some free tickets for this show.  Buy one at fuil price and the second (cheaper) ticket comes free.  So: one adult + one child comes  in at just £12.00.  Additional tickets are also available.  Available now at the Foxlowe Café – just 16 tickets, so do hurry.  And now, just now, online at wegottickets.

The delightfully comic story of a little red bag that jumps out of a brown paper bag – what in the world is it and where is it going? Join us for a fantastical journey of paper bag proportions, dive into the sea and travel to the land of snow. Watch out for a giant paper bag wandering about making strange noises….

Garlic Theatre bring a sprinkle of pure magic with mime, clowning and puppetry.    ‘The whole performance had the children enthralled. Who would have known a small bag could show so much expression with just two eyes and a crease for a mouth!’  Tuckswood Library

This award-winning international visual theatre company has toured to 21 countries outside the UK.  It makes very welcome return visit to Leek.following Oldilocks and the Three Bears, Shoe Kangaroo and the Big Bad Boot, and last year’s The Nosy Little Troll.

Puppets and more for 3 – 8 year olds:  at 5.30, between teatime and bedtime.

Tickets available now at the Foxlowe Café and online at  £12.00 adults, £8.50 children.  .  Remember this BOGOF offer (thanks to a kind donation)  :  one adult + one child comes in at just £12.00  (tickets only at the Foxlowe for the moment)

Here’s a trailer for the show …




Mar 08 2024


5:30 pm

More Info
