Hatha Yoga
Weekly Hatha Yoga classes are held on Friday mornings, upstairs in the Rainbow Room, from 9.30-10.30am, costing £8.
These gentle classes include some breathwork, a series of flowing physical asanas and a guided relaxation. These classes are suitable for beginners and people with an established yoga practice. There is an emphasis on developing the mind/body connection, through moving mindfully with awareness. You are encouraged to listen to your own body and offered modifications to postures if needed.
Yoga can help to develop your strength, posture, flexibility and balance. But possibly most importantly, it can help to enhance well-being, reduce stress and help you reconnect to yourself and find stillness.
Classes will be on 9th, 16th, 30th June. And 7th, 14th, 21st July.
For any further information or to book onto a class, please message Vicky on 07854826156.