The Colour Room (PG) – Evening – SOLD OUT IN LEEK
Although tickets are all sold at the Foxlowe, there will be afternoon and evening screenings on Monday, 6th Dec, at the Mitchell Arts Centre in Hanley, where tickets were still available on the 1st December. Check and book here.
Look to see which locations you recognise!
Foxlowe Films are delighted to announce that we’ve been able to arrange with Sky two special screenings of their recently released film the Colour Room. The film follows the journey of a determined, working class woman, Clarice Cliff, as she breaks the glass ceiling and revolutionises the workplace in the 20th century. Clarice Cliff (Phoebe Dynevor) is a vivacious young factory worker in the Potteries of the 1920s. Bursting at the seams with ideas for colours and shapes, Clarice takes more and more dangerous risks – but she manages to stay one step ahead of the workhouse and impress the eccentric factory owner Colley Shorter (Matthew Goode) on the way with her talent and innovation. With a strong cast and engaging storyline about a local hero, this film is bound to appeal. The added attraction for Moorlands’ audiences is that some of the footage was shot in our very own Foxlowe Arts Centre.
“Old duffers in the industry mansplain why women won’t buy her cheap and cheerful pottery (“you’ll find the modern woman has a more refined taste”). But Clarice knows exactly what women want (her Bizarre collection eventually sold more than 8.5m pieces). The film catches the excitement of this moment for Clarice, and Dynevor’s performance is wonderful.” The Guardian
UK 2021 108 mins; Dir. Claire McCarthy
Cinema located on first floor – regrettably no disabled access.
Booking online only (wegottickets.com) with no tickets available on the night. Booking closes 24 hrs before the film screening. Please book the number of tickets required for your household or group you are attending with. Seats will be set out accordingly in these named groups. While COVID is still with us, we will be limiting the number of tickets available to allow for proper social distancing between groups of seats.
Doors will open at 7pm to enable audience members to find seats whilst maintaining distance between groups. It will also give us time to check vaccination status. The film will start as usual at 7.45 pm or shortly afterwards. Acceptable evidence of vaccination status will be: cards completed at time of vaccination, official NHS certificates, both paper and electronic, and QR codes.
Our bar is available and drinks can be taken into the film.
Please respect the fact that others attending the film and our film volunteers may be vulnerable and maintain social distancing from other groups attending the films. While mask wearing may not be compulsory at the time of writing, we request that audience members wear masks when entering or leaving the Rainbow room and in the bar.